Top Indoor Plants for the Dark
A thriving green plant will add warmth & brightness to any room. Unfortunately some have the knack for keeping plants alive...and some don't! With indoor plants one of the biggest challenges is selecting plants that are will thrive in the lighting conditions available. Most offices & homes are not built with natural light being the main priority, therefore there will be some dark corners and rooms with little natural light.
Aglaonema Species (Chinese Evergreen)
A very popular indoor plant often used around the house or office. They are amongst one of the easiest indoor plants to grow. The aglaonema tolerates a wide range of lighting conditions and are also relatively resistant to pests. Grows up to 3ft
Sansevieria Species (Mother in Laws Tongue, Snake Plant)
Sansevieria's tolerate low levels of light & irregular watering. If overwatered they are prone to rotting, in winter the Sansevieria would require only one watering every couple of months. Ideal for use in indoor plant hire. It's leaves grow between 2ft & 3ft high
Spathiphyllum Species (Peace Lily)
A lot of low light plants are foliage plants, the Spathiphyllum however has the added advantage of a huge beautiful white flower to contrast with it's large dark green leaves. It is also thought of as an excellent indoor plant to clean indoor toxins from the air. Likes damp soil and should not be left out to dry between watering's. Will grow between 2ft & 3ft high.
Epipremnum Species (Pothos, Devils Ivy)
Smaller climbing plant particularly suited for hanging baskets & totems. It's leaves are green with yellow speckles. Often used in plant displays in shopping centre's, offices, indoor plant hire & other public places. It is a hardy plant that is easy to care for & is also attractive. The pothos tolerates low light conditions, if given suitable support can grow up to 2 meters or more.
Aspidistra Species (Cast Iron Plant)
The Aspidistra is a large leafy plant. It's leaves are solid green & grow to about 2ft in length. They are often grown for their ability to survive neglect & low light conditions